

Holistic Blogs

Nourishing The Body, Mind and Soul


Studies Linking Beliefs to Health

Edwina Griffin | 19 Apr, 2023 | 0 Comments | Return|

Dr Gail Ironson, pHD, a leading mind-body medicine researcher and professor of psychology and psychiatry at the University of Miami runs the Positive Survivors Research Centre at the University. In her studies, she found that there were 2 interesting predictors of how fast HIV progressed. The first was their view of God,. Those who saw God as judgemental had a T cell decline more than twice the rate of those who don’t see God as judgemental.

The 2nd major factor Dr Ironson noted was the participant’s personal relationship with God. Her study found that patients who did not believe that God loved them lost helper Tcells three times faster than those who believed God loved them. She also found that those who felt a sense of peace also had lower levels of cortisol-the catabolic stress hormone.

‘’If you believe God loves you, its an enormously protective factor, even more protective than scoring low for depression or high for optimism. A view of a benevolent God is protective but scoring high on the personalized statement ‘God loves me’ is even stronger.’-Dr Ironson ( Ref: “ Genie in your Genes, Dawson Church, Energy Psychology Press, Santa Rosa CA 2008)

In my interview with Harvard Professor, Dr Ellen Langer we discuss the many studies she conducted showing the link between belief systems, mindfulness and physical health. Listen to the interview.


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Edwina On The Radio

In 2019 Edwina shares tips on Meditation & Mindfulness for World Meditation Day for ABC, Triple M and Sea FM and speaks on ABC South East about her health and healing retreats.

Earlier radio interviews include quick tips and advice on fitness and nutrition tips for Sydney's Vega 95.3.

Speaking on Mindfulness with Banksy and Pinky -Triple M Queensland:
Speaking on Mindfulness with Nick Rheinberger -ABC Illawarra:
Speaking on Mindfulness with Kier Shorey -ABC Far North:
Speaking on Mindfulness with Heidi and BarRat -Sea FM, Sunshine Coast:

Host of Health & Happiness Radio Show

Edwina was approached by a London company in 2012 to become part of one of the first online radio shows. Eddie hosted her own Health & Happiness Show on Untangled FM for 12 months where she interviewed world leaders in all areas of health and performance. Download and listen to her shows.

Interview with Joe Cross - on the health benefits of juice fasts

Interview with Dr Ellen Langer - on Mindfulness

Interview with Dr Tim Sharp - on Happiness

Interview with Amanda Rosetti on spirituality & intuition

Interview with Dr. Jason Karp on Running

Interview with Colleen Dooley on Hypnotherapy

Trevor Savage on Kinesiology & Alternative Medicine

Interview with Adam Blakester on Sustainable Living & overcoming the Paradigm Storm


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