Eddy’s connection to spirit opened up in 2005 when she experienced her kundalini awakening. Her gifts continued to open from that time and her connection to Pleiadeans came through in 2012.  She has studied a Diploma in Energetic Healing, Certificate and Advanced Diploma in Shamanic Practice (SOTEMS), Certificate in Medical Intuition, Diploma in Sound Healing and she continues to study and explore different modalities in healing through SOTEMS and other healing modalities. Eddy has been initiated with Spirit of the Earth Medicine Society and has taken part in her personal Vision Quest as well as Vipassana meditation retreats. Edwina’s healing sessions and readings are channelled and vary for each individual. Sessions may include encounters with those from Eddy’s Shamanic Dreaming Wheel, connections from ancestors, Pleiadeans etc. Eddy may also bring in NLP, Clinical Hypnotherapy and Sound Healing practices (as directed by spirit), where it may benefit.


Eddy’s connection to spirit opened up in 2005 when she experienced her kundalini awakening. Her gifts continued to open from that time and her connection to Pleiadeans came through in 2012.  She has studied a Diploma in Energetic Healing, Certificate and Advanced Diploma in Shamanic Practice (SOTEMS), Certificate in Medical Intuition, Diploma in Sound Healing and she continues to study and explore different modalities in healing through SOTEMS and other healing modalities. Eddy has been initiated with Spirit of the Earth Medicine Society and has taken part in her personal Vision Quest as well as Vipassana meditation retreats. Edwina’s healing sessions and readings are channelled and vary for each individual. Sessions may include encounters with those from Eddy’s Shamanic Dreaming Wheel, connections from ancestors, Pleiadeans etc. Eddy may also bring in NLP, Clinical Hypnotherapy and Sound Healing practices (as directed by spirit), where it may benefit.


Connect With Your Heart and Soul Purpose

 Connect with your heart & soul purpose

 Receive channelled messages for your current needs/path

 Learn about the Australian Dreaming Wheel as a tool to navigate your soul journey (SOTEMS)

 Meet your power animal with a shamanic drum journey

 Enjoy sound healing sessions & activations

 Learn about liquid crystals, dowsing and other tools to get in touch with and strengthen your own intuition

Soul Services offered by Edwina Griffin

Shamanic Healing


Meet your power animal with a Shamanic drum journey.

  • Duration -  1 hour
  • Location - Onsite or Virtual depending on location 

Channelled Psychic Reading and Soul Direction( 30-35 minutes)


Receive channelled messages for your current needs / path.

  • Duration - 1/2 hour $100
  • Onsite or Virtual consultation depending on location

Channelled Psychic Reading and Soul Direction(60-70 minutes)


Receive channelled messages for your current needs / path. 
  • Duration - 1 hour $180
  • Onsite or Virtual consultation depending on location

Buy them a Gift Voucher that they can redeem with any Edwina Griffin session or retreat?

Do you have a friend or loved one who would love some time out for themselves? They can choose from any service, whether it is a retreat, a healing session, a psychic reading, hypnotherapy or a new fitness program. What could be a better gift than a Gift Voucher that they can redeem on whatever they choose?



What Our Clients Say

Click The Bubble Or Swipe To Read Our Reviews Below:

Click on the headings below to explore other sessions for personal development and peak performance:


  • Feel the positive impact of escaping your daily routine and stresses
  • Connect with nature and relax in this beautiful location
  • Learn new healing tools and set new intentions
  • Reset, let go of what doesn't serve and create healthy habits              


  •  Shift your mindset learning the science and techniques for breathwork, meditation and hypnosis
  • Establish a healthy routine with Morning workouts, yoga and meditation
  • Relax in this beautiful location and enjoy a therapeutic massage


    • Enjoy increased vitality and fitness with Personal or Group Training Sessions
    • Learn gentle exercises to help release trauma from the body
    • Starting with the foundations of all- correct breathing-learn breathwork, exercise, yoga and meditation to re-set the body.


    Celestial Calling

    This track is ideal for meditation or at the beginning of a healing session. The light language codes call in spirit and guides and increase the vibration of the room.

    Sample - Celestial Calling


    Shamanic calling and an awakening for the soul to remember who you are and bring you home to your soul. This track is ideal at the end of a meditation or healing and as part of a healing process.

    Sample - Remembering

    In her healing work, Eddie teaches tools and techniques to train the body and mind for energy and vitality, ascension and soul connection and the skills to communicate best with others and enable a connected life, living your soul purpose. Edwina’s work assists with shifting physical, emotional, mental and spiritual blocks and transmuting to vitality, wisdom, love and empowerment.

    Eddie offers stress management, meditation, physical rehabilitation and fitness, clinical hypnotherapy for mind reprogramming and release of addictions, sound and energy healing along with shamanic practices and channelling energies from star beings in the form of light language and transformational creation codes for working with the soul. The tools Eddy offers aim to release patterns and energies that are holding you back which then enables increased energy, greater clarity and enable you to recognise and live a life which is in alignment to your soul purpose.

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